Landlords and Letting Agents: Gas Safety Certificate Costs Explained

Whether you are a landlord or a rental agent, I think this the question comes up a lot, and with so many different prices out there, it can be a bit confusing.

I have even received countless phone calls from customers looking for prices, only for some to say that they are going shopping and that another company has quoted cheaper. Many of the same customers return after spending a lot of time on the phone or on the internet, realizing that the advertised cheap deal was not all it seemed.

In this blog, I will use my many years of experience as a heating engineer to tell you what you have to pay for your CP12 certificate and which factors can influence the Gas Safety Certificate Cost


Are you comfortable?

What are the average costs of a gas safety certificate?
I'm afraid the average cost of a CP12 is very fragmented at the moment. A quick search on Google will offer companies with gas safety checks and a gas safety certificate cost for just £ 40 - £ 45. However, most manufacturers recommend that gas appliances are also serviced every year, and the same companies will charge an additional fee for this.

For example, if you look at Homeserve, a national company, you will find that they charge £ 66.00 for a service and gas safety certificate for the first year, but then the price goes up to £ 127.80 for extension in the second. year.

 Many companies in London Gas charges £ 75.00 for a gas safety check (without service) and gas safety  certificate for the first year, and then they will contact you to inform you about the renewal price for the second year.

What can affect the gas safety certificate cost?
Sometimes factors such as necessary repair work must be carried out so that the gas appliance complies with the applicable regulations. This may mean, for example, that a stability bracket is mounted on a stove, an isolation valve is mounted on a hob or a breather on fire or another device.

These quick solutions can add around £ 60 - £ 80 to the total cost of the gas safety check and the landlord gas safety certificate. Many landlords choose to indicate in advance that if rectification work will be less than £ 80 - £ 100 to just do this to save time, inconvenience and second visits.

What about bulk discounts?
Bulk discounts are usually available for both landlords and rental agents. So we have already looked at the cost of one property above, now let's look at the type of available discounts.

If you are a landlord with more than 10 homes, you will see a bulk discount of around 10% -15 on the costs of your gas safety check, service and CP12.

Rental agents
If you are a rental agent looking for a single company to maintain and check around 30 - 100 homes per year, you would view a wholesale bulk discount of around 20% -25%

Receive a few quotes
The best advice I can give you is to really do your research, contact a few reputable companies and ask each of them for a fixed quote, as well as what this service entails. You should look realistic for maintenance of a boiler, stove and providing a gas certificate London, as well as performing a small correction if necessary.

Most companies are happy to give you a quotation for this type of work by telephone, because of technicians, due to time constraints and traffic, are usually unable to justify traveling for free visits and giving you a cost.

You will find that they can usually give you costs for each additional device and indicative costs for any minor repair work that needs to be done. Again, you can expect a bulk or wholesale discount to be certified on multiple properties, but check that you are satisfied with this before you proceed.

TIP: If you are looking for exactly how much you can expect from the large multinational companies, their websites will have particularly detailed costs and will tell you what is included and what is not. Their prices are very realistic and their process and documentation are implemented quickly.

So there we have it! I really hope you got away from this article with a much better understanding of CP12 costs, although the market is unfortunately very fragmented and it is always best to get a few different quotes and find out in detail where you pay exactly for it.

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